Compliance Software for Nursing Facilities
- Track state and federal compliance tags for nursing facilities
- Using AutoPOCTM, the Plans of Correction are automatically generated for you!
- Friendly dashboard - grasp all your vital data in a glance
- Compare your facility to any facility in the US
- See reports showing AI summaries, five-star ratings, repeated tags, scope and severity, and trends
- Devise daily things to do lists
- Create mitigation plans and track them to completion
- Beautiful and easy to use!
Plans of Correction Generated for You!
- Detailed Plans of Correction are
automatically generated in seconds!
- Things to Do lists by job title are auto
generated for you
- Plans are based on the requirements
for the citations you have received and the
federal and state requirements for that
Comprehensive Dashboard
All Your Top Hitters, All in One Place!
- Track any data you want!
- Compare any data - your way!
- View trends of your data.
- Drill into problem areas with ease!
Track Compliance Tags
Number of citings, top 10, scope severity breakout and more!
- Track state and federal compliance tags
for nursing facilities
- Track formal and informal visits
- Enter visit data before official documents
are received
- Create a stable workflow to help create
your plans of correction (POCs)
- Searchable - by keywords, tags, person,
Friendly Dashboard
Track all your compliance data in a glance!
- Five star-ratings with trending
- Amount of fines you have paid
- Scope and severity analysis
- Top ten tags
- Export your data
PDPM Dashboard
Categorize and Track Your Reimbursements
- No surprises with the upcoming PDPM
- View your data by facility, region, etc!
- View trends of your data.
Compare Report
See how you stack up!
- Compare your facility with other facilities
- Compare your facility over time
- Compare with easy coloring to visualize
positive and negative trends
- Data for your state and for entire US
- Use for improvement and marketing
Five Star Report
Compare how you are doing!
- See how you are doing with the five-star
compared to your other facilities or
- Track abuse flag from CMS
- See all your facilities on one report
Track Your Tags
Compliance was never so easy!
- Uploaded 2567 RTFs are automatically
parsed so you don't have to enter the data manually!
- Use AutoPOCTM to generate plans of
corrections (POCs) automatically!
- Generates PDFs to send to the government
- Be reminded of your due dates!
- Trend your data over time.
- Search for key words, people, etc.
Keep Up with Your Self-Reports
Searchable and Trended!
- Track all your self-reporting data in one place
- See the percentage of your tags that are self-reports vs tags that
you have gotten from surveys
- Track approvals for self-reports
Calendar of Things to Do
What are you working on today?
- Automatically assigns work based on
uploaded files!
- Shows you what to do for the day
according to due dates!
- Never miss a fine payment again!
- Track your own items on the calendar
Questions or Schedule a Demo
Contact us by email: